The Washington Manual of Echocardiograph

The Washington Manual of Echocardiograph

Supervised and edited by faculty from the Washington University School of Medicine, The Washington Manual of Echocardiography provides quick insight into the successful performance and interpretation of echocardiographic images.
Ideal for today’s cardiology fellow, this outstanding reference is both sufficiently comprehensive to guide users through training, and accessible enough as a quick consult for general physicians who are interested in echocardiography.
Your keys to excellence in cardiac echo…
• Tips and pearls from cardiologists and sonographers offer guidance on proper set-up, correct transduction technique, and image optimization
• Easy-to-navigate sections address diagnostic markers of valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies, and congenital anomalies, as well as applications of trans-esophageal echocardiography
• Abundant high-quality images enhance visual learning and improve diagnostic accuracy
• Succinct yet comprehensive descriptions present critical pieces of information on key areas of echocardiography and Doppler techniques
• Free online companion website with hundreds of echo clips in addition to the full text for you to access anytime, anywhere

1. Introduction to Echocardiographic Principles
2. The Comprehensive Transthoracic Echocardiographic Examination
3. The Role of Contrast in Echocardiography
4. Quantification of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function
5. Right Ventricular Function and Pulmonary Hemodynamics
6. Stress Testing for Ischemia and Viability
7. Ischemic Heart Disease and Complications of Myocardial Infarction
8. Cardiomyopathies
9. Aortic Valve Disease
10. Mitral Valve Disease
11. Pulmonic Valve
12. Tricuspid Valve Disorders
13. Evaluation of Prosthetic Valves
14. Infective Endocarditis
15. Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade
16. Diseases of the Great Vessels: Aorta and Pulmonary Artery
17. Congenital Heart Disease
18. Cardiac Masses
19. Cardiac Manifestations of Systemic Illness
20. Transesophageal Echocardiography
29/12/2017 The Wash

Autores: Ravi Rasalingam, Majesh Makan, Julio E. Perez
Editorial: LWW
Edición: 1ª
Año: 2013
Páginas: 321
ISBN 978-1-4511-1340-2
Idioma: Inglés

Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen-Drecoll - Anatomy A Photographic Atlas 8th Edition

Rohen, Yokochi, Lutjen-Drecoll - Anatomy A Photographic Atlas 8th Edition

Prepare for the dissection lab and operating room with Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas, 8e. Featuring outstanding full-color photographs of actual cadaver dissections with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images, this proven text depicts anatomic structures more realistically than illustrations in traditional atlases. Chapters are organized by region in the order of a typical dissection with each chapter presenting topographical anatomical structures in a systemic manner.
Authentic photographic reproduction of colors, structures, and spatial dimensions as seen in the dissection lab and on the operating table help you develop an understanding of the anatomy of the human body.
Functional connections between single organs, the surrounding tissue, and organ systems are clarified to prepare you for the dissection lab and practical exams.
Clinical cases and over 1,200 images enhance your understanding.
Dissections illustrate the topographical anatomy in layers “from the outside in” to better prepare you for the lab and operating room.

1 General Anatomy
2 Head and Neck
2.1 Skull
2.2 Masticatory Apparatus and Muscles of the Head
2.3 Brain and Regions of the Head
2.4 Brain and Sensory Organs
2.5 Nasal and Oral Cavities
2.6 Neck and Organs of the Neck
3 Trunk
4 Thoracic Organs
5 Abdominal Organs
6 Retroperitoneal Organs
7 Upper Limb
8 Lower Limb

Autores: Johannes W.Rohen, Chihiro Yokochi, Elke Lütjen-Drecoll
Editorial: W.K
Edición: 8ª
Año: 2016
Páginas: 562
ISBN: 978-1-4511-9318-3
Idioma: Inglés

Manual Washington de Especialidades Clínicas. Neumología

Manual Washington de Especialidades Clínicas. Neumología

Sirve como guía de referencia rápida y texto de consulta. La principal información que necesita el estudiante en sus rotaciones en el servicio respiratorio, el residente y el estudiante de medicina y que debe realizar estudios de casos clínicos.
Escrito por residentes, médicos adjuntos y miembros de la Washington University School of Medicine.
En este caso se trata de una obra colectiva en la que han participado facultativos en formación y docentes de la Washington University. A destacar la marca Washington, bien conocida en el mercado. Parte de los autores son residentes y otros docentes hospitalarios.
Mantiene los mismos apartados en todos los capítulos, para localizar la información rápidamente.

1. Radiografía de tórax
2. Pruebas funcionales respiratorias
3. Pruebas de esfuerzo
4. Broncoscopia
5. Dispositivos de administración de oxígeno
6. Ventilación no invasiva
7. Hipo
8. Tos
9. Asma
10. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
11. Abandono del tabaquismo
12. Neumonía extrahospitalaria
13. Neumonía intrahospitalaria
14. Tuberculosis
15. Infecciones pulmonares fúngicas
16. Infecciones pulmonares víricas
17. Fibrosis quística
18. Hemoptisis
19. Hemorragia alveolar difusa
20. Vasculitis pulmonar
21. Embolia pulmonar y trombosis venosa profunda
22. Hipertensión pulmonar
23. Enfermedades pleurales
24. Estudio radiológico de la enfermedad pleural
25. Trastornos respiratorios del sueño
26. Enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales
27. Enfermedad pulmonar laboral
28. Nódulo pulmonar solitario
29. Enfermedad pulmonar cavitaria
30. Enfermedades del mediastino
31. Problemas de interconsulta pulmonar en poblaciones de pacientes específicas
32. Trasplante pulmonar

Autor: Adrian Shifren
Editorial: LWW
Edición: 1ª
Año: 2014
Páginas: 302
ISBN: 978-84-1584-98-5
Idioma: Español